Boxplot Chart Demo

Summarize data distribution with a Boxplot Chart,
highlighting medians, quartiles, and outliers for
effective statistical analysis.

Customer Representative Interaction Duration

Visualize the variation in interaction duration for each customer representative with this boxplot chart. It provides a clear overview of typical response times, highlighting outliers, medians, and overall efficiency, helping businesses optimize customer service operations.

House Prices in Bangalore Area wise Comparison

Explore the variation in house prices across different areas of Bangalore. This chart provides valuable insights into the city’s real estate trends, helping buyers and investors make informed decisions based on location, amenities, and market conditions.

Chick Body Weight Comparison by Diet Type

Analyze how different diet types influence chick body weight. This chart compares body weight variations, helping poultry farmers optimize feed choices to promote healthy growth, improve productivity, and make informed decisions for their livestock’s diet management.

Pricing & Plan